The free entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds is spread across three funding blocks, with a maximum of 15 hours a week. Children are eligible the first full funding block following their 3rd birthday.
Funding blocks are from:
September to 31st December
1st January to 31st March
1st April to 31st August
For example: A child born on the 3rd September would be eligible from the 1st January following their 3rd birthday.
Families in receipt of Working Families Tax Credit with an income of no more than £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs) could be eligible for a free childcare place for their 2 year old child.
To check eligibility please use our online eligibility checker:-
When applying please read the end statement of the eligibility checker as it will state if you have been successful or unsuccessful. If you are successful, you must supply the setting with the reference number given.
Children who are currently claiming the Free Entitlement for 3 and 4 year old's in Northamptonshire, who meet certain eligibility criteria, could be eligible for the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
The EYPP is a premium available to the childcare provider your child attends for their Free Entitlement for 3 and 4 year old's. The premium will be used to improve the facilities, equipment and learning experiences to benefit the growth and development of your child.
Check your eligibility by visiting the EYPP Online Eligibility Checker:
Please read the end
statement of the eligibility checker as it will state if you have been
successful or unsuccessful. If you are
successful, you must supply the setting with the reference number given.
The Preschool is open for 190 days per year which, when divided by 5, equates to 38 working weeks a year. However, with the part weeks that we sometimes open for, preschool is actually open for 40 full or parts weeks a year. This means that, occasionally, some children may use up their free 570 or 1140 hours of free 15 or 30 hour entitlement before the end of the school year.
The pre-school will give parents an indication of how many hours they are likely to be claiming by the end of the year and will give as much notice as possible of any additional fees which may be payable. Parents will be given the option of paying these additional fees as a one off payment in the final term or spread over the year.